New serious results appeared regarding the early puberty "precocious puberty" and its impact on the health of young girls.

New studies in Cambridge university regarding the shows that early puberty is associated with increased risk for diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and endometrial cancer.
These results have been achieved after long study of 180 thousand women. scientist did examined their DNA to find genes responsible to early puberty.

They find 123 genes that are responsible for timing of puberty in young females and these genes usually become more active when the young girls received them from their from their mothers rather than their fathers.
Researchers find that the date for puberty differs greatly from on girls to another since some girls received their first period on age of 8 while other may be delayed to the age of 15.
Many factors have been found to be linked to the date of puberty e.g. food, physical activity, weather ..etc.
Researchers are now focusing on finding the main causes that are responsible for risk of affection by Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast and endometrial cancers.

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